Random Neuro Firings

Monday, May 02, 2005

Scooby Dooby Doo


Yesterday we tried out a new church, actually an old church. The church my father grew up in and the church my grandparents and three of five of my dad's siblings attend. Our boys enjoyed the familiarity and of course Grandpa and Nana.

Today we tore out the bathroom carpet and the 1950's linoleum the black with the multicolor speckle. After the tear out, we sweep up and shop vacuum. Then we laid Hardibacker Cementboard http://webapps.easy2.com/cm/masterflash/generic_index.asp?page_id=35717717 . After that I installed two light fixtures and two switch covers. I have this cement stuff all over my body and I need to take a shower before Extreme Makeover Home Edition - How'd They Do That.

We have some great friends who we spend time with occasionally. Jason and Stephanie. Our children have had great times together. We have learned much from each other, each other's kids and parenting style.

Dinner for tonight was beef stroganoff http://maindish.allrecipes.com/az/synSkilltStrgnff.asp My wife did a great job. The parenting question for the night...How much should we let our 3 year old stay in his room for eating a snack after he was told that he would not have any other food unless he at his beef stoganoff?


  • Hey Shawn, It's been a long time. I was checking in on Dilbone's blog and there you were. So how are things?

    By Blogger Dan, at 10:26 AM  

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